Migrating to tsc.id.au

1 minute read

Welcome to the next iteration of my blog. I’ve moved all of the posts from the old blog into the new one. Staying with Hugo meant that this was a relatively easy copy/paste job.

This time around I’m trying out a new posts/static content structure to try and keep things more manageable as the blog continues to grow larger.

The main problem I was having previously was that all of the images I was storing were being dumped into a single folder under /static/images/. I didn’t apply a proper naming structure to the images in this folder, and it very quickly became a confusing mess of poorly named files.

To try and counteract this, the new structure will be:


Benefits include a much cleaner organisation of posts (broken down into year/month directories), and static assets are now stored directly alongside the related post(s) in an /images/ subdirectory.

This folder structure also outputs better post URLs (eg: https://tsc.id.au/posts/2022/08/migrating-to-tsc-id-au/).